
Minimarathon is a fun and active event for children and the whole family. Every runner is a winner in the Minimarathon, no matter how long it takes to reach the finish line. There is no timing in the event and participant can choose to run the 1 km safe route either fast or take it easy. Every runner will have their own bib number attached to their Minimarathon t-shirt.
In 2025 the Minimarathon Family Run -package will give the child’s accompanying person the opportunity to participate in the enjoyable run together with the child.
Minimarathon is warmly welcoming all kids between 0 and 12 years old!


time to start

Minimarathon Info

28 €

until April 29th, 2025

Next price 31 €

The entry fee includes a Minimarathon t-shirt.

Minimarathon Family Run 18 €/accompanying person. The entry fee includes a t-shirt (techincal Craft-running shirt) and a bib with optional text.

Note the sibling’s discount! When two or more children from the same family register in the same registration, the siblings from the 2. child onwards get a 15 % discount. The discount is counted automatically in the registration system.

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Make the Minimarathon a shared experience for the whole family!

The Minimarathon Family Run offers the child’s accompanying person the opportunity to participate in a fun run together with the child. With the Family Run package, the co-runner receives an event shirt and bib number with a freely choosable text, e.g. “Tom’s father” or “Mia and her mum’s fun day” (max. number of characters 30). The event shirt is Craft’s technical HCRD shirt, which is made of 100% recycled material.

The participants of Family Run will be starting in the first starts of each age group of the Minimarathon.

Minimarathon Family Run participation is purchased in connection with the child’s registration as an additional product on the registration form. The maximum number of Minimarathon Family Run accompanying persons per child is three.

The guardian/supporter can still participate in the Minimarathon also without the Minimarathon Family Run package.

The Family Run package is available for purchase until Thursday evening.

Minimarathoners won’t show on the start list. If you are unsecured have you registered the child already, please contact us  


The bib number, t-shirt and participant package needs to be picked up from the  Minimarathon office.
You can get the participant package by showing the official a QR code, which is sent to the email address given during registration (about a week before the event) and by text message (a couple of days before the event). Take out the QR code well in advance when you arrive at the Minimarathon office. If you pick up a package for several children, keep the QR codes for all children easily accessible.
Note! Please be prepared to tell the official the size of the child’s shirt.

Minimarathon  office is open on Friday May 16th between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (8.00-17.30 hrs) and it is located under the southern curve of the Olympic Stadium. Please note that the location is different from the Minimarathon activity area or the race office of HCRD adults’ races.

A large number of participants can cause congestion, so we recommend picking up the number before 3 p.m. The first 250 will get a surprise package!


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The event day

Event schedule 

The Minimarathon will take place on FRIDAY May 16th. The activity area is located on Pallokenttä 1, next to the Olympic Stadium. The finish line is at the Olympic Stadium.

The Minimarathon office can be found at the southern curve of the Olympic Stadium.

08:00 a.m.    Minimarathon Race office opens at the southern curve of the Olympic Stadium. Entrance via Olympic Stadium Square (address: Paavo Nurmen tie 1) Note! Different location than the Race Office for HCRD adult runners, or the Minimarathon activity area.

3 p.m.    Minimarathon activity area opens at Pallokenttä 1 (address: Urheilukatu 1)

5:30 p.m.    Minimarathon bib number pick up closes

5 p.m     Minimarathon starts

7.15 p.m.    The activity area closes

Age groups and start times 2025

5 p.m.      4 years old and younger  – Starts 1, 2, 3 (every 10 minutes)
5.30 p.m. 5 years old – Starts 4, 5, 6 (every 10 minutes)
6.00 p.m  6 years old– Starts 7, 8 (every 10 minutes)
6.20 p.m  7 years old – Starts 9, 10 (every 5 minutes)
6.30 p.m  8 years old – Start 11
6.40 p.m  9-10 years old– Start 12
6.50 p.m 11-12 years old – Start 13

The Minimarathon’s first start is at 5 p.m. on Friday at Pallokenttä. Before the start there will be a warm up for the run. 

The distance for every age group is about 1 km. Smallest kids can go with their parents or older siblings from other age groups. Groups are divided by ages, and girls and boys from same age group are starting together. There will be several starts in the age groups 4-7 years old. The groups will be divided in the start area by the organizer.

Kids under 4 years can start in the first age group. There is no timing at any age groups.

We recommended runners and their family members to use public transportation as we don’t have any reserved parking areas for the runners.

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The finish line for Minimarathon is located at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium.

After finishing the run every participant will get a medal and can enjoy some snacks and refreshments at the arena. Unfortunately special diets can not be taken into consideration.

After the run it is still possible to go back to Töölön pallokenttä to play and enjoy the activities.

The organizer has the right to use the pictures and videos taken at the event.

During the event, our photographing partner Marathon Foto will take pictures at the event. All pictures taken will be available online after the event. 

Please remember update the children’s photo permission at the participation profile (the login details are in the confirmation email). Also, the child’s bib number needs to be on the front side of the child that the photographer company can connect the photos to the child. Photos for participants can be found here.

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The Start is at Töölön pallokenttä Sports field (address: Urheilukatu 1-5, 00250 Helsinki). The route is about 1 km long, It is safe and guarded by adults. Kids can run with their parents if they wish. The finish area is located at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium.

See the route map below the info section. 

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Parents can access the Minimarathon finish area at the Olympic Stadium from the Northern Stadium Square.

Spectators can also watch Minimarathon from the Olympic Stadium B1 and B2 stands.

Please note that it is prohibited to bring animals to the Minimarathon area or the Olympic Stadium.


Minimarathon route goes from Töölön Pallokenttä to the Helsinki Olympic Stadium. Parents can run along if they wish. At the finish area there are medals and snacks waiting for the little marathoners.

There are age groups for children aged between 4-12. However there is no minimum age, so also runners under 4 years are more than welcome!
Smaller children can run with their parents or older siblings.


  • Safe 1 km route from Töölön pallokenttä to the Olympic Stadium
  • Warm up before the run
  • Minimarathon-medal to every runner
  • Technical Minimarathon running t-shirt (value 19,90 €)
  • Lots of fun activities at Töölön Pallokenttä
  • Refreshments and snacks at the finish area